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Stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download

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Stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download.Stretching Exercises Encyclopedia by Oscar Moran Isabel Arechabala (PDF)


Download PDF. This book provides a general theory of muscle stretching. Anatomical illustrations cleverly explain the different muscle groups involved in each exercise. In addition each exercise includes practical information about the movements needed to be performed, the posture that needs to be adopted, common mistakes to be avoided, the principal stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download secondary muscles worked with each exercise, all linked together with a series of useful tips and advice.

Any athlete will realize how regular stretching can improve their physical body shape and their quality of life. Any beginner starting a program of workouts will be concerned to know how to do the exercises involved to achieve his or жмите сюда goals. ISBN n It includes all of the basic and numerous less common exercises with comments and illustrations.

Stretching Exercises Encyclopedia This book has its roots in athletic stretches, yoga and dance. It is essential for studying and learning stretching exercises and you can be certain that you will become much better at performing them.

He has been a member of the board at the International Federation of Physical Education and has published several books and dozens of articles in specialized magazines.

Since she has been working in больше информации fields of illustration and graphic design. No part of this work may be reproduced— including by photocopy, microfilm or any other means— processed, stored electronically, copied or distributed in any form whatsoever without the written permission of the publisher. People, like most living creatures, are designed to feed, reproduce and avoid danger.

All energy expenditures beyond these basic abilities are unusual among stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download beings who are less developed than us, from an intelligence point of view. However, as we move up in the evolutionary chain, we find movements designed for socializing, enjoyment, etc. If human beings do not need to stretch in order to carry out their daily lives, they читать больше possibly not find the need to do so.

But, if they do not stretch, with the passing of time, their bodies will become clumsier, more painful, incapable, etc.

This feeling of being in good shape is so imperceptible that one only becomes aware of it once it has been lost. Therefore, the smart thing to do is to not abandon it.

Turning to nature once again, if we look at the animals, we find that they perform stretches routinely. However, in addition to making people more efficient at the physical нажмите для деталей, which implies better athletic performance in some cases and a greater capacity to perform the activities of daily living in others, this book will show how regular stretching also has an effect upon the health and well-being of the individual.

Unfortunately, stretching has been largely forgotten by the people who exercise, whether regularly or sporadically. Stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download modalities such as yoga, the stretches are the base and philosophy of its very essence; in dance, they are an essential complement; but in the practice of sports, they are usually reduced to a few seconds before and after the performance of the sport in question, and sometimes not even that. This is just an example of how a well-balanced body also needs to приведу ссылку flexible.

After reading this book, any athlete, and even those who are not athletes, will realize how regular stretching can improve their physical body shape and their quality of life. Mantesh 7 Mantesh How to use this book All readers, regardless of their degree of mobility or their knowledge of the subject, will find an interest in this book.

This is a reference manual where, with the help of the index, the reader can turn to any page in order to learn how to perform an exercise. The pictures that accompany the text are of real professional models who were trained to perform the exercises and supervised by the author of this читать. Each exercise includes information about the movement one needs to perform, the posture that one must adopt, common mistakes that should be avoided, the principal and secondary muscles worked with this exercise, as well as a series of very useful tips and advice.

Most of the stretching exercises lack a common name, and so in this text they are named according to the purpose of the movement or the posture. Named according to their order of importance in the exercise, although this order may vary depending on slight adjustments in posture объяснение. visual basic 2010 free download full version for windows 10 согласен the specific characteristics of the individual person.

Some muscles that are exercised only slightly have been omitted. The manner in which the exercise is to be performed and the final posture that must be adopted. Explanations, tips and common mistakes to avoid. Some exercises are complemented with certain variations. In other cases additional explanations and tips are given to the interested reader. Given the practical nature stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download this book, this section, which precedes every chapter, includes a brief anatomical review of the points of origin and insertion, as well as the function of the principal muscles whether because of their size or the role they play.

This section refers to general human characteristics, which may vary in some cases depending on the individual. Stretching refers to the action and effect of stretching, and we can define stretch as elongating or dilating something, pulling it apart by force so that it gives of itself; it is stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download like spreading or moving our arms or legs to warm them up and get the stiffness out. Flexibility is, on the other hand, the ability to bend easily.

Of the four basic physical qualities also called abilities, although the author prefers the traditional term in humans: flexibility, strength, resistance and speed; stretches are included in the first of them. Stretches have been studied and taught by some of the most important authors in history, such as Ling, Buck, Medau, etc. Around the middle of the 20th century, some authors in the field of neurophysiology spread the technique of contraction-relaxation in the stretching exercises.

This marked the beginning of Proprioceptive Neuromuscular Facilitation P. This book is a compendium of exercises based on the various theories of physical training in general, and flexibility in particular. How to stretch There is a belief concerning stretching exercises that, if there is no pain, there is no gain. Other theories recommend bouncing to achieve more and more lengthening.

This author belongs stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download a different school of thought, the one that promotes a rational, scientifically proven and effective stretching.

It is called stretching in many languages, an anglicized term that comprises a global concept of stretches. The theory of the stimulus thresholds in physical exercise is also valid in stretching. A stretch that is just right means more than the muscle is subjected to in everyday life, demanding, but not injurious.

With most physical activity, at least in those of certain intensity, the warm-up stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download imperative. Stretching is no exception. In fact, the correct thing to do is to first warm up and then stretch. The general warm-up increases blood flow and elevates the body temperature, two beneficial effects when it comes to performing physical exercise; furthermore, the specific warm-up increases the amount of blood that reaches the tissues we are about to stretch, thereby nourishing and oxygenating them.

Begin with a light aerobic activity that gets the blood flowing. You can choose to stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download, ride a stationary bike, etc. Perform joint movements for the area that we are going to work, as well as for adjacent areas, for 2 to 3 minutes.

Occasionally, perform some resistance movements of the target muscles. For example, flexing movements for the pectoral muscles on the floor or against a wall if you will be stretching this muscle afterward. The passive warm-up, such as sitting in a sauna before exercising, does not appear to be the best or the most effective way to warm up.

The simple repeated flexion and extension of a joint improves the quality and degree of a subsequent flexibility exercise. This is the moment to begin stretching, and here comes one of the most important pieces of advice from this book: the stretch should stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download gentle and controlled, taking it to the point of desired resistance and holding it there for a few seconds.

The help of a partner can be very useful, but he must be knowledgeable enough and never force beyond the threshold of normal movement. The respiration should be slow and stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download, generally breathing out at the same time one stretches in order to disarm the column formed by stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download intrathoracic-abdominal pressure.

The body, and in particular the body part being stretched, must not be under excessive tension, which explains why some athletes injure themselves after practicing their sport when they stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download their training with rough stretches.

Some sound advice stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download to first strengthen the body, ссылка is, first develop a certain degree of strength, and then begin to stretch without abandoning the strength training. This is a somewhat delicate topic and one that does not present itself in all the specialties in the same way. A resistance athlete who is subjected to a period of inactivity, and then intends to take it up again, will note how his personal benchmarks are worse, both in terms of the speed sustained as well stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download in the total time supported.

But there is no major problem; the body and its aerobic resistance will know how to dose it. In the case of stretching, as is the case with the strength training, there is a risk in wanting to recover too quickly and get back to the lifts that we were able to do before the layoff, and the uneasiness of the time away could stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download one to injury.

One must not fall prey to feelings of regret and frustration, but instead, one must plan intelligently, setting multiple small goals that will soon give us back the level of performance that we desire. If the inactivity has lasted too long, it is easier to stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download than to start from the beginning since, although for us it may feel like a very stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download time, in reality it does not take that long.

There is however, one great difficulty, especially among beginners: knowing the difference between pain and discomfort. The first tends to involve a sharp and unbearable sensation, while the latter tends to be a pulling sensation resulting from the stretching.

The pain does not go away even when we relax the posture, but the discomfort usually gets better when we manage to concentrate enough to overcome it. Types of stretches In order to stretch properly, it is necessary to know several different types of stretches, and in this way, one would be able to exercise based on his needs and objectives. We will talk about static, dynamic and PNF, but we will only detail the steps of the two methods that have been stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download for their efficacy and simplicity will be discussed in detail.

The static stretch consists of taking a joint close to the limit of its mobility and maintaining that posture for a few seconds. It is one of the simplest and most effective stretches, and we can subdivide it in two: i Active Static: when the person stretching is the one who exerts, through the help of the other muscle groups, the force required to maintain the posture. It is not the most effective because it is not easy to maintain stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download proper tension for some of the body parts, and thus it is often preferable to perform passive static stretches, as explained below.

It consists of the following: 1. Stretch slowly until the limit prior to the pain. Hold that position for approximately 20 seconds. Pause for around 20 or 30 seconds during which time you may stretch a different muscle group, preferably the antagonist.

Repeat the process 3 or 4 times. This is a type of stretching that is reserved, almost always, to certain sports modalities in which an excellent control of mobility, in all its amplitude, is necessary the most common examples are the martial arts and dance. In any case, this type of stretching should only be practiced by people with a certain level of training and control in their movements, not beginners.

This type of stretching can be subdivided into two categories: —Explosive or ballistic stretching: This is a dynamic stretching exercises encyclopedia pdf download that uses the inertia of the movement to take the joint farther than the normal range of motion. It is potentially injurious, which is why it generally should be avoided. Given that this method is a little more involved, it is meant for experienced individuals, not beginners. Begin with a light stretch until the point of discomfort.

Isometrically contract the stretched muscle for 6 to 8 seconds. Relax the contraction for 2 or 3 seconds but without changing the posture. Stretch a few more degrees of motion and hold the new position for 10 seconds. Contract the muscle and repeat the process once or twice more. This is a good stretching method provided that it is performed correctly. This technique is very similar to the Michell technique, in which, from the position of a stretched muscle, isometric contractions are performed, followed by a period of relaxation.

At the end of each contraction, the stretch is increased a little more in search of a new motion barrier.


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